Tuesday, November 11, 2008

They then dragged me into the Hard Rock Café and forced me to listen to loud hard rock music. Food and coffee was excellent. I had Cobb Salad; Kathy had steak and mushrooms; Lou had a veggie burger. After dinner I had to go into the Hard Rock Store. Bought a tee shirt…just because.

Firsts for me today: Red Robin; Hard Rock Café; eating avocado; Niagara Falls.

We were going to walk over to the Canadian side but it was raining when we came out of the HRC. By the time we got back to our rooms, it was pouring. The forecast is for the rain to stop by morning. We sure hope so. There are tourist things we didn’t do because of time and weather constraints. Niagara Falls is a starting point, not the focal point, of this trip.

The information desk at Ho Jo’s showed me the best route out of town tomorrow morning…safest and most direct. Also cautioned us against going through one particular neighborhood…not safe. I’m glad I asked. The route I was considering would have taken us right through the “not safe” area. This is just one hazard of riding in unfamiliar territory.

We said good night and went to our rooms. I hope I can sleep. It’s always a problem when I’m in a strange bed. Set the alarm for 6 a.m. and will join Kathy and Lou at 7 a.m. for breakfast.

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